Tuesday, June 27, 2023

[Release Blitz + Review] Lunamare by Pepper Winters

LUNAMARE by Pepper Winters
is NOW LIVE!!!


“Is it true…that you pulled a lion from the ocean and fell in love with him?”
The sixteen-year-old boy named after a lion.
A boy with his entire life ahead of him.
A boy running from a terrible secret.
All it takes is one awful night to change everything.
One secret, one smuggler, one boat, one storm.
And he wakes in an entirely different existence.
Staring into the ocean-blue eyes of his twelve-year-old rescuer. 
The twelve-year-old girl named after a sea nymph.
A girl with lofty dreams and absolute faith that she’ll achieve them.
All it takes is a bright, sunny morning to change everything.
One boy clinging to wreckage, one sea cradling him close, one chance at keeping him safe.
He’s illegal and unwanted.
She’s stubborn and so sure.
He’s lost absolutely everything.
And she’s found the only thing she ever wanted.
They begin as rescued and rescuer.
Slowly growing from twelve and sixteen.
He’s not allowed to touch her.
She’s convinced he is the one.
But as each day dawns on his illegal existence, Aslans’s secrets creep ever closer, the death he ran from hunts ever faster, and the darkness that he can’t get free of finally finds him.
And it costs him…
 A true coming-of-age story that spans a lifetime. This book deals with heavy subjects and it is advised you check the Content Warnings on the Author’s website.
Lunamare is a tangled romance that fans of The Ribbon Duet will love. Combining the beautiful drama of Nicholas Sparks with the brutality of dark romance, Pepper Winters has created a tale of soulmates, secrets, cruelty, and heart-wrenching love. 

Read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited.
Amazon Worldwide: https://mybook.to/Lunamare



4.5 Stars from Tiffany!

Lots of Pages, Lots of Story.

Luna Mare is a beautifully written love story by Pepper Winters, whom I have been a fan of for years. After When a Moth Loved a Bee, I wasn’t sure what to expect and found myself pleasantly surprised. Yes, it’s quite the hefty read in pages, however it’s also a hefty read about love and loss. We span years with Nerida and Aslan, the only way a storyline like this would work and this review will be vague as to protect it.

“Your heart will never be perfect again, though. Losing loved ones always leave cracks, but…eventually…those cracks become the strongest part of you.”

Nerida was only twelve when she helped rescue sixteen-year-old Aslan from the sea. She is a child of the sea, so is naturally drawn and curious about the boy with a name that translates to Lion. I was iffy about her character, especially as she got older. As a young girl, bossy Nerida was easier to handle as compared to her selfish teenage ways.

Aslan is a young man of mystery and a grown man of even more. You can’t help but love his character, ever grateful and ready to do anything for his rescuers, Nerida, and her parents. It’s not like he had many choices and decided early on that he would make the most of it with his new family. There was one line that wasn’t to be crossed and as the years go on, that line gets blurrier and blurrier.

“She wore her bravery to shield her. She used my love to heal her. Yet no matter how much I loved her or how fiercely I gave her what she needed…she’d become like me.”

Talk about a wild ride! We have been with Nerida and Aslan for five years while their lives seem to change week by week. Pepper Winters is a beautiful wordsmith, and this book is no exception. I found myself reading for hours trying to get to the part where the shoe was going to drop. Finally, at 96% I remembered this was a duet and was slightly crushed that I’ll have to wait. It’s a beautiful and slightly dark tale of love, loss, acceptance and putting yourself before others. While a page count such as this usually freaks me out, the story was riveting, and I felt like I couldn’t put it down!


PEPPER WINTERS is a multiple New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Bestseller.

After chasing her dreams to become a full-time writer, Pepper has earned recognition with awards for best Dark Romance, best BDSM Series, and best Hero. She's an multiple #1 Apple Books bestseller, along with #1 in Erotic Romance, Romantic Suspense, Contemporary, and Romance Thriller.

Pepper currently has close to 40 books released in nine languages. She's hit best-seller lists almost 40 times, is a self-confessed hermit, yoga convert, has a house rabbit, six horses, and a long suffering husband.

To learn more about Pepper please visit: www.pepperwinters.com where she regularly posts videos of behind the scenes writing, horses, books, and more.


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