Thursday, August 1, 2024

[Release Blitz + Review] The Secret Hook-Up by Pippa Grant

TITLE: The Secret Hook-Up
AUTHOR: Pippa Grant
GENRE: Romantic Comedy
TROPES: Second Chance/Secret Fling/Auction
RELEASE DATE: August 1, 2024


You’d think nearly dying trying to get out of a too-tight gown in a dressing room and being saved by a strong, competent man was a good thing.

Not so much, though, when that strong, competent man is your ex. Your secret ex.

And the reason you need a gown is because you’re part of a charity auction.

The charity auction where he gets into a bidding war to win you.

And now, because you’re one of few female coaches in professional baseball, and he’s the captain of the local professional hockey team, and he paid a ridiculous sum of money for you…

The entire city is shipping you. You can’t leave your apartment without getting a knowing wink from strangers. Your bosses want to use the publicity to have you jointly launch a new community outreach program.

That’s bad enough. It truly is.

But even worse?

Duncan Lavoie, the green-eyed, curly-haired, dimple-cheeked, hot as lava hockey player wants a second chance. And he’ll play dirty to get it.

The Secret Hook-Up is a laugh-out-loud romcom featuring the hot-as-sin hockey captain of the Copper Valley Thrusters, the Copper Valley Fireballs’ lady baseball coach he never got over, and a misbehaving formal gown. It stands alone and comes complete with a happily-ever-after.


US / UK / CA / AU

Free in Kindle Unlimited.



4 Stars from Tiffany!

Double Slow Burn

Wow, The Secret Hook Up delivers a slow burn with both of its lead characters. Duncan and Addie, both nursing wounds from their pasts, are on a quest to find their way forward together.

I’ll have to say, I LOVED Duncan from the get-go and it was iffy for Addie until the very last page. I was a fan of her kick ass no nonsense attitude, but girl needed to give somebody a chance sooner or later or she was going to end up alone for the rest of her life. Duncan was more than ready to take another chance but was constantly banging his head against her wall if you will.

"I hate depending on people. I hate needing help. I hate vulnerability as a general concept. Too many people have used it against me, so I make it a point to not need anyone else." ~ Addie

This was a book of thoughts in their heads more than a story told of each POV, as they were in their heads about each other a LOT. Almost to the point of irritation for me. The back and forth was at a crazy level and what saved them was their great sense of humor and that of their family and friends. Just when I thought I was done with this wishy-washy couple, the humor brought me back in.

Though I haven't read the previous books in the series, Pippa Grant does a commendable job of reintroducing the characters and their backstories. While it may seem a bit excessive at times, it helps new readers get up to speed. The book stands well on its own, with a couple of epilogues that neatly tie up the story.


PIPPA GRANT wanted to write books, so she did. Before she became a USA Today and #1 Amazon bestselling romantic comedy author, she was a young military spouse who got into writing as self-therapy. That happened around the time she discovered reading romance novels, and the two eventually merged into a career. Today, she has more than 30 knee-slapping Pippa Grant titles and nine written as Jamie Farrell. When she's not writing romantic comedies, she's fumbling through being a mom, wife, and mountain woman, and sometimes trying to find hobbies. Her crowning achievement? Having impeccable timing for telling stories that will make people snort beverages out of their noses. Consider yourself warned.

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