Thursday, September 29, 2022

[Release Blitz + Review] Lukas, Sometimes by Tempest Phan

TITLE: Lukas, Sometimes
SERIES: Art of Sinners #2
AUTHOR: Tempest Phan
GENRE: Contemporary Billionaire Romance
RELEASE DATE: September 29, 2022


A billionaire romance with a touch of angst, a hint of forced proximity, and a whole lot of heat.

There once was a prince, in a bungalow by the sea…
He’s the ocean roaring into my life, an ocean whose depths I can’t resist even though I must. I want him, but I’m not supposed to want more. And yet, when I look at him, this damaged artist, this kindred soul who paints my dark world with his laughter and his pain, I want to give in…
But I can’t, not when I’m not the one he sees, not when doing so would mean losing my voice all over again.

There once was a prince, in a bungalow by the sea.
But he’s not my prince; he never was for me.

Along came a pixie, in a faded hoodie…
She’s the wave crashing through my world, the wave that brought me to my knees and threatens to sweep me under. I want her, but I’m not supposed to want more. And yet, when I look at her, this paperbag princess, this impossible minx who dances her way into my dark, I start to lose control…
But I can’t, not when I have nothing left to give, not when doing so would mean digging into the wounds of my past all over again.

Along came a pixie, in a faded hoodie.
Just a minx, a pixie… and she’s all that I see.



US / UK / CA / AU



5 Stars from Tiffany!

Took Me By Surprise.

For the first few chapters, I wasn't sure what I thought about this book, as these were characters I wasn't connecting with right away. Fast forward a few more chapters and I can't wait to see how it is going to turn out for them.

Lukas Stone is irritating right out of the gate. Cocky and arrogant, I didn't have much time for him. Lily also seemed like a lot of work. Too much work for a selfish prick like Lukas, so I was more than ready for this man to change my mind. And boy did he ever.

"This man was dangerous. He'd be my downfall, if I let him."

Wise words Lily. This man has considerable emotional problems from his upbringing, as well as from his last relationship. I don't know what he was looking for and he didn’t either. Same with her. Lily was at a crossroads and didn't quite know which way to go. She suffered a tragic loss that she still isn’t over. The daily visits with a devilishly handsome man with hilarious coffee mugs and board shorts helped a bit. He was kind and generous, with a little smidge of the devil peeking out every so often. Like Lily, I didn't know what to make of this guy.

"And yet, he made me feel safer than I'd ever felt in my entire life."

This is a slow burn read and needed to be with all of the background noise for each character. While there is healing needed, there is also a slight undercurrent of a whodunit in the story line that keeps you on your toes. Chapter after chapter, I started to feel differently about both of these characters as they evolved as individuals, as well as towards each other. They felt it right away, however they kept their distance for quite a while.

"My dark craved her light."

That is it in a nutshell. She was everything he needed right at that moment and while he needed her, he also made a difference in her life.

The book is well written with a ton of moving parts. Not necessarily a lot of supporting characters, however the handful present helped with the humor level and with moving the storyline along. While this is the second in the Art of Sinners series, it reads well as a standalone. That said, I am going to go back to book one because I have to see how that plays out to give us the Lukas we meet this time around.


US / UK / CA / AU



TEMPEST PHAN loves ink, words, leather pants, and (scr)e(a)mo (#SorryNotSorry). She's married to her own tattooed lawyer, and when she's not running after their littles and pups, she spends her time hanging with book boyfriends and writing about broken heroes and indomitable heroines. (By the way, she’s never met a bar of dark chocolate that she hasn’t fallen head-over-Loubs for).

DAMIEN, FOREVER, her debut novel, launched in December 2020. It kicked off the ART OF SINNERS series where each book can also be read as a standalone. Stay tuned for LUKAS, SOMETIMES releasing on September 29th, 2022.

Psst! You can also stalk her here:


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