Thursday, February 17, 2022

[Book Tour + Review] Pivot by Ariana Rose

TITLE: Pivot
SERIES: The Driven World
AUTHOR: Ariana Rose
GENRE: Contemporary Romance
RELEASE DATE: February 3, 2022

I said I'd never leave him, and I meant it.
He's my brother's best friend. I never intended to feel this way.
I couldn't help it. You're not supposed to. We fell in love.
Movies, songs and books would have you believe that love is the end all be all.
Is it possible that they're all wrong?
I said I'd never leave him... but what if I need to?

I don't deserve her.
She's too good for me. I feel too selfish.
I never used to think more than two steps ahead in my private life.
She's opened up real possibilities and real weaknesses in my suit of armor
Will I ever be the man she needs?
I'm realizing we may be running to places she isn't even ready to walk to.
I don't have the answers....only more questions.
Have I top shelved in the finals or hit strike three and I'm out?

I told Eli "now I can go and be great." What does that really mean?
Is it marrying the love of your life or landing the job of your dreams?
I started off with wanting one and ended up craving the other.
I've never had problems with confidence before.
I didn't have as much to lose.
He thinks I can have it all. But can I?

All I want is her. There are things I still want with her.
She is my rock, the vortex who set me right when I needed her most.
Now it's her turn to lean on me.
For nearly four years, my family fought to keep me whole.
Now it’s my turn. I can be their anchor.
Hayley and Wes are now flying side by side, and with that, can come huge risks.
Risk can have great reward or turn you inside out.

Bono's speech about the promises we make throughout our entire life hits close to home.
They have to hold us together.
A rubber band can only stretch so far before it snaps.

Pivot is the sexy and emotional final chapter to Twisted and Entwined in K. Bromberg's Driven World

4 Stars from Renee!

The below are part of this series if you want to read those books(s) first:
Twisted (Desire #1)
Entwined (Desire #2)

This is the final book in this little series and helps wrap up both the couples that were introduced within the series. If you read all three books you will notice a swift change in the personalities of Hadley and Wes seeming to almost mesh with Dylan and Eli. They were funny in the other books but not so much with this one. The face more and more obstacles but in the end will they all get what they want from each other? Will these couples have a future?

I recommend this book.


4 Stars from Tiffany!

The Series Wraps Up Nicely

In this final (I think) book of the series and Ariana Rose did a nice job with both couples and thier road to happiness. It wasn't easy for any of them, but in the end was worth it.

As with the first two books, I wasn't a major fan of Eli and Dylan and liked Wes and Hayley so much better. However, in this final book, Wes and Hayley tended to gravitate to the Eli and Dylan side of mushy and over the top. I don't know, but somewhere along the line they lost thier funny edge and it was a bit disappointing.

That said, the book is well written and while there were all kinds of hurdles for these couples, they jumped them like champs. It felt like the angst was amped up a smidge this time around, however I do like a little more in my reads. A bit of a cynic/dark kind of gal here. The whole family is involved this time around also, to help bring the storylines to a close. The book should be read within the series and there is a nice epilogue to tie up the loose ends.

Author and hopeless romantic, Ariana Rose, dabbles in all forms of contemporary romance. All of her novels do have one thing in common. Her heroes and heroines are as passionate about life and love as they are about each other.

A proud mother of two, she was born and raised in the Minneapolis area. She's always been a storyteller and known to have a flair for the dramatic. Her daughter is just across the border finishing her college career and is a go to for all things graphic design. Her son is a busy middle schooler who loves all things penguins, science, gaming, cars and the weather. Ariana's fur baby (a beagle/lab) can be found curled next to her while she writes unless chasing squirrels and finding puppy friends become a higher priority.

When Ariana is not writing, she can be found at the rink in a figure skating lesson, binge watching her favorite shows, screening an 80s movie she's seen hundreds of times, exploring history or traveling to any of her current or new favorite places.

Ariana first published in August of 2018. Her Stone Series was the leaping point. It's fourth installment will debut in October 2021. She has two novels in K. Bromberg's Driven World, Twisted with its sequel Entwined. The concluding chapter Pivot, will follow in February 2022. You can find her first sports romance, Bitter Edge, in the Cocky Hero World. Double Exposure, her first co-write, also releases in February 2022.

You can find her exclusively in Kindle Unlimited. You can also sign up for her newsletter, watch her website or find her on all her social media to catch all the latest and greatest on upcoming projects.

Always remember that passion is never a bad thing, it's where dreams and reality collide.


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