Monday, January 6, 2025

Renee Entress's Blog's Pre-Order for TropiCon 2025

 Pre-order for TropiCon 2025!

This pre-order is for a 12X12 Canvas (with or without a frame) or a Memory book

Pre-order here

Options for pre-order

Canvas 12x12 

Canvas 12x12 with frame 

Canvas comes in a box for easy storage and packing for travel.    

The sides are about an inch thick.

It can be stood up on a side or hung right on to the wall as the backing has hangers included in the design.  

If a frame is ordered it is a floating frame with space between the frame and the canvas so it appears to float in the frame.  The space is small and as deep as the canvas.


8.5 x 11 MEMORY BOOK 

The 8.5 x 11 Memory book comes with a custom cover with the event name on the front and the spine.  This book is over 75 pages all in full color.  Each author has most if not all of their book covers included on the pages.  Each page is Matte print with a special area outlined in purple so the author can sign.  All the attending authors are included, and some have multiple pages.  You can use any non-smearing marker for signing.  Even if you don't get to every author, you still get to take a little piece of them home with you.  By putting the book covers in the book, it makes it easy for them to recommend a book for you to read and you to find it later when you get back home.

Just a little information about the price - These books retail starting at 39.99 for one with 20 pages.  With each extra page being 1.99 a piece.  Retail price this book would run you about 150.00 per book.  

It took hours to gather all the covers for each author and create the book. This really is a great deal for the price!!

Here are a few sample pages out of the book so you can see what you are getting.

 Rachel Van Dyken's page from Autograph book 

Sharon Hamilton's page from Autograph book 

Any questions about the above items please advise.

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