Wednesday, September 29, 2021

[Release Blitz + Review] Below the Line by April Canavan

🔥🔥 BELOW THE LINE by April Canavan is LIVE!! 🔥🔥

That’s all I had from him for years.
Broken promises.
Dreams of a life we should have had.
Except he left me behind.
And then he showed up, scarred and broken.
I can’t save him.
Hell, I can’t even save myself.
When he promises me the world, I know he’s full of shit.
But that doesn’t stop me from letting him in.
From hoping he’s not going to break me again.

I made promise after promise.
Broke every single one of them without looking back.
Okay, that’s a lie.
I looked back, and I made damned sure she never loved anyone else.
She’s always belonged to me.
I know I’m not a good man.
I may be dense, but I’m not a f*cking idiot.
When I get the chance to have her, I take it.
Her kiss.
Her smell.
The way she screams my name.
In the dark pit of my life, she’s the only salvation.
And I’ll destroy anything that tries to take her from me again.



3.5 Stars from Renee!

Wasn't Too Sure of This One...

Below the Line is the fifth book in the Birch Police Department series and the only one that I have read. That said, it holds up well as a standalone. This is the story of Logan and Teri.

Logan and Teri have a long, tragic past that they can't get over to move on. Well, he can't get over it and seems to drag her back in constantly. Teri loves him, but is sick and tired of his games and is finally ready to move forward. It was one of those annoying relationships where he treats her like crap and she lets him time after time.

I wasn't a fan of Logan or Teri. They were both all over the board with thier emotions and the constant mind F she let herself go through got real old, real fast. This was the couple that would have been better off going thier own way from the get go.

The book is well written, although for the first 3/4 of it, I wasn't sure if I even liked it. None of the characters were appealing to me and the girls constantly talked or complained about being pregnant ad nauseum. We finally get some action towards the end where Teri redeemed herself a bit in my eyes. Below the Line stars Logan and Teri, while also featuring the characters from previous books in the series. It reads well as a standalone.


I live on chaos and coffee, and you’ll find it running through every single one of my stories. 
First of all, I absolutely abhor writing anything biographical. In any form. I’m terrible at it, and I have the very firm belief that no one wants to know who I am. You’re here for books, right? But that doesn’t mean I’m off the hook.
I grew up sneaking over to my great grandmother’s to read her Harlequin novels. Those were delivered once a month in a ginormous box, and from the age of ten, she let me devour them in their entirety. I fell in love with romance, even the clean kind. And that, undoubtedly, led to many days and nights with my face buried in a book and the discovery that I wasn’t happy unless my hair was up, and I had a story in my hand. 
I never wanted to write. I wanted to read. ALL the words. Until someone pointed out to me that I’d been writing my entire life. I just needed to put the book in my hand down and pick up a pen. 
Once I started, I found out that I couldn’t stop. Now, I’m always writing. Or reading. Or chasing my son through the house to get the elusive hug he thinks I don’t need.
Oh, and I’m a Leo… which is completely on-point if you know me at all. I love being the center of attention. On my terms. When I can stay at home in my pajamas. With lots and lots of coffee on hand. And maybe a few snacks.
To learn more about APRIL CANAVAN, visit here:

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